Dr. Reynarichie Bragg DACM

FL Registry: Compassionate Card. CBD CLINIC Professional Series of Compassionate Physicians for Direct Access:

 Acupuncture:One of the oldest healing modalities, which has been continuously practice for more than 3,000 years. It is an ancient medical procedure that involves the gentle insertion of fine, sterile needles into specific points in the body. The focus is to prevent and treat common conditions. It is FDA approved and disposed of biohazard sharp container. Acupuncture needles are very thin and safe, and most people feel no pain or very little pain when they are inserted. They often say they feel energized or relaxed after the treatment. 

Electro-Acupuncture: The use of a battery-powered instrument that generates a safe and gentle electrical current to stimulate the site of the acupuncture points.  

Acupressure & Tui Na: A massage techniques that stimulates the meridians, facilitating the smooth flow of Qi. It helps  improve the  circulation and fuctions of the connective tissues & muscles, joints and tendons. Tui Na is ideally helpful to improved sleep habits.

Infrared Heat Therapy: FDA approved, heat therapy that improved circulation and warmth during the treatment allowing for faster healing.

WEIGHT SUPPORT-CBT and Lifestyle: All natural medicinal plants draws from thousands of herbs for specific conditions. Supportive for many types of conditions especially when you are unable to tolerate certain pharmaceutical medications. The alternative and complimentary ways to tret the body Holisctically is to use natural medicines.

Qi Gong: Specific movements and breathing exercises used to improved health and vitality. Improved the breathing capacity allowing the oxygen to nourish the whole body affecting both the CNS and PNS. Proper breathing is critical to healing, longevity and improved cognitive.

NADA:Auricular protocols to help support with detoxification from cessation of addictions, stress and mind and body disharmonies.

Tai Chi: Supreme Ultimate Boxing- Movement of Balletic exercises that helps develop the harmony and balance, and promote health by circulating the Qi throughout the whole entire body. Tai Chi improves with flexibility, awareness of balance and movement while help build bone density and cellular memories.

Friendly & Healing Food specific healing food used to strengthened, reduce inflammation and help rebuild & support the gut by improving our approach and understanding  about digestion, peristalsis to balance the body.

Japanese Acupuncture:IPC, Japanese treatment with fewer needles that provides gentle healing.

Public Community & Health Educations: Dr. Bragg provides interactive public health-wellness information and resources. Her goal is to Integrate and empower Eastern & Western Physicians to work together and improve the patients well-being. 

Physician Referral: Dr. Bragg collaborates with other fellow physicians of all specialties western and eastern. Medical Cannabis Card & Quit Smoking Now. 

Physians, other health care Professionals & small business seminars: Dr. Bragg provide a health care seminars on variety of topics to help small business integrate prevention and wellness where a higher productivity-increase performance can be implemented within organizations from leaderships and their employees through FIVE elements phases. 

House of Worship: Dr. Bragg provides informations and connect individuals and their families throughout the communities to be able to attend House of Worships. Spiritual health is important for us to nurture representing the Tri-Unity of human existence!













(941) 357-7950 office
(941) 357-7950 office

1505 53rd Ave E
Bradenton , FL 34203

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