Honor with Purpose

The Power of Healing Comes From Above. Testimonials!


                    ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS. 




      1505 53rd Ave. East, Bradenton. FL 334203

          Monday- Friday 8 am-5pm 


DR. REYNA BRAGG, DOM, has made a profound difference in my life through her practice of acupuncture. After a fall and injuring my neck, a neurologist took an MRI, sent me to twelve weeks of physical therapy, with no real relief, and then told me to learn to live with the pain. A pain management doctor prescribed pain medication or spinal injections which I refused and by chance, I learned about Dr. Bragg. Upon introduction to her, I was impressed with her professionalism, her extensive knowledge of acupuncture and its benefits, and her soft-spoken, informing manner of preparing me for what she would be doing. My treatments were once a week for twelve weeks, but after three treatments I began to notice improvement, which continued until my pain was all but gone. I now see her twice a month and my pain has lessened until my quality of life has returned, thanks to her. I begin once a month treatment soon. Throughout the entire time as my physician, her concern for my comfort, carefully explaining each step of treatment, and offering her knowledge of her profession have been reassuring and a great comfort to me.
I BW. Love would be honored to nominate Dr. Bragg, DOM to receive the Physician's Champion of Healthcare Award.

I found Dr. Bragg online when I wanted an acupuncturist to help my father with his arthritis pain. Since then I have begun seeing her on a regular basis. Dr. Bragg is a very compassionate person who is committed to seeing that her patients get the best care possible. She integrates Eastern and Western approaches and follows up on referrals she makes to other health care professionals. I continue to be amazed by the depth of her concern and the extent of her knowledge. CMC in Bradenton, FL | Mar 06, 2016.

I'm on vacation, the first experience with acupuncture found it very interesting, and very informative. My drippy nose seems better 20 hours later, waiting for Rx for herbal supplements to continue my healing. Thomas Tew in Ann Arbor, MI | Mar 03, 2016

From the moment I walked into the SCC office, until the time I left I had a very enjoyable experience. The tandem at the desk was very efficient. After a very short wait in the lobby, I was brought to the treatment room where an ARNP took my vitals and asked some basic med history questions. After another brief wait, Dr. Bragg came in and not only relieved me of my pain but spent time with me. She makes you feel like more than just a symptom & a treatment. She truly cares about her patients! MK in Ruskin, FL | Feb 21, 2016

I have confidence that Dr. Bragg will be able to help me with my pain. She is very open and listens well. Feb 04, 2016

I have dealt with headaches for many years going to conventional doctors, physical therapy, chiropractor, and natural remedies. Dr. Bragg was informative, listened, and followed up personally after appointments to check on me. The results in providing relief were great. This will be a regular part of my wellness program since I do not take medications due to severe side effects and I will recommend her to others. Orlando, FL | Jan 17, 2016

Dr. Bragg took the time to see me last minute and met me at the office because I had been in a lot of pain. She was very welcoming and comforting. She took a very long time listening to my problem and used multiple techniques to ensure I felt better before I left. I am always recommending my friends to go see her. Jan 14, 2016

Dr. Bragg is very friendly and caring. You never feel like you are being rushed out of the office. Her staff is amazing! Apollo Beach Florida | Jan 05, 2016

“Dr. Bragg is the best. she is compassionate, caring, accommodating, informative, and extremely proficient, and professional. I learned more from one visit with her than a year of treatment elsewhere. This is a must to try.”Lesley S. 03/2016


Excellent experience!!!” Teresa T. 05/2015

I consulted Dr. Bragg for treatment of sciatica nerve pain and Raynaud's syndrome, which is the extreme coldness of the toes and feet. After several acupuncture treatments, my sciatica nerve pain is gone and the Raynaud's Syndrome has become less intense and less frequent. Dr. Bragg and her staff are very friendly, professional, passionate, and supportive.  WBF, Apollo Beach, FL 


Dr. Bragg, Thank you again for your help yesterday! your opinion to go to the hospital was correct. God was watching out for us. He has candidiasis of the skin and cellulitis. The E.R.  doctor gave him a Doxycycline antibiotic and a very important Nyastatin cream for the pain. He is finally able to rest and sleep last night. When things settle down, I would like to see you again. Thank you for your help. GMW


I have arthritis and anomalies, as I get older, more aches and pain. One of my co-workers suggested Acupuncture; as they say, the rest is history. In April, I met Dr. Bragg and continued to come every week for my acupuncture treatment to the present- September 21. As she said, " I can't change the bone alignment but I can give you relief from pain". The whole entire office staff is caring and friendly. The hour I'm here is restful. The results are amazing. Swelling in my joints is less as well as the pain. I hope the treatments for along time. LML, RN


Dear Dr. Bragg, I know you are busy, so a short note to let you know that I am feeling fine now. The day I came to you complaining about my arm and shoulder, I did have an A-Fib attack that night. I am now under a cardiologist's care and going for lab tests. I thank you for your concern, I know you were worried about me. My back is fine and doing exercises daily. Hugs and love, D.


I am a 65-year-old female who was diagnosed with a carpal tunnel on my right hand. The first diagnosis was several years back and only one finger was affected at that time. The solution by the orthopedic doctors was surgery. I opted not to do the surgery and just deal with the discomfort. The carpal tunnel progressed to now include three fingers. Again the solution was surgery, but at the same time, my P....A. (Physician Assistant) also said in 20% of the cases Acupuncture worked. I opted to try Acupuncture. I met with Dr. Bragg and my first appointment with her had positive results. By my third Acupuncture appointment, the Carpal Tunnel appeared to be gone. Dr. Bragg is presently treating me for an issue in my elbow and also high blood pressure. Both of these conditions are also getting positive results. My experience with Dr. Bragg and Acupuncture has brought me to the conclusion if a problem can be solved with Dr. Bragg’s methods rather than meds, I am all for it. Thank you, Dr. Bragg! DD.


For the past few months, Dr. Bragg has been doing my Acupuncture on various parts of my body. It is great to say that I have begun to feel better from her treatment. Dr. Bragg is a positive, compassionate, friend, and a good doctor. I would recommend her services to anyone looking for relief from body aches and pains. Also, I needed medical services for a medical matter that was not included in her expertise and she led me to a doctor who was able to help me. I thank her for doing that for me. She has encouraged me regarding my diet and has given me tips on how to improve my overall health. When an opportunity arises, I will most certainly recommend Dr. Bragg for the technique of Acupuncture. JH.


I am 62 years old with lower back pain on my L5/4. I met Dr. Reyna Bragg, my Acupuncturist 1 week after my father passed. She called it a “transition to his next journey” which made me feel better and eased my mourning. That was 6 months ago. Acupuncture is very relaxing and I can feel my muscles become less “tight” during my sessions. Acupuncture has also helped with my breathing, relaxing techniques, and my attitude about pain. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone who is considering it. SG.



Dr. Reyna Bragg was exceptional! I went to see her for intense lower back pain, chronic migraines, and MS symptoms. She was extremely professional, walked me through everything she did, and explained why I felt wonderful afterward. I recommend her services. She is fantastic. DV


Dr. Reyna, you are a gift from God. I am so blessed to have a treatment from you."I feel so open from my treatment" I love your spirit. Om & peace! MB


Dr. Bragg’s Eastern procedures are a good alternative for pain combine relief from Western surgeries and pain medications. RJ


Dr. Reyna Bragg is an amazing doctor. I had horrible pain in my elbow and she walked me through everything she was doing and in only one visit, she was able to heal the issue. She is extremely respectful, professional, and thorough in her work and I recommend her to anyone who is in pain or is suffering. She's the best! BM 


Reyna is not only a fantastic practitioner but also a wonderful person in general. Very caring and always with a smile on her face, you will feel as if you're visiting an old friend who always has your best interest at heart! Dr. C. Fatic. DAOM   


Dr. Bragg is great at explaining and using Chinese medicine, I have personally seen her work and I have a lot to learn from her methods of helping others. She's a natural! Dr. D. Baugus DAOM.


Have you ever tried acupuncture? If not, I definitely recommend it. See Dr. Reyna Bragg! She does my acupuncture and she is amazing! If you're afraid it's going to hurt, DONT BE. It's 100% painless. CV


Dr. Bragg Thank you for everything contraction labor on our way to the hospital. Mother and baby boy are doing well! WB


Dr. Reyna Bragg is an exceptional and wonderful physician. She provides a caring attitude towards her patients and community. I have attended her community and public lectures and consider her to be a wonderful speaker. JH


I saw Dr. Bragg for my right foot pain and while she was looking at my foot before performing her acupuncture treatment, she said that my foot appears to be swollen and suspected a foreign object lodged underneath the pad tissue of my foot. She immediately referred me to a local specialist and confirmed her theory and the foreign object was removed to prevent further damage to the tissue and prevent infection. I am thankful for her attentiveness and recognizing that a referral was needed for proper care. EB


I was in considerable pain with my arthritis in both knees so bad I could barely walk. I tried conventional methods; cortisone shots, pain relievers, wearing pain patches. Nothing was working. I was considering knee replacement. I researched the internet and discovered that acupuncture had worked for some people. I made an appointment with Dr. Bragg. I felt immediate relief in one knee after the first visit. By the third visit, I wasn’t taking any pain relievers or wearing my patches. My friends and family were amazed when they saw me walking normally after such a short time. I appreciated Dr. Bragg explaining acupuncture. What it is, how it works, and any procedure she used on my knees. Dr. Bragg has a calming presence. I feel relaxed but energized when I leave her office and I have no pain! I recommend Dr. Bragg and acupuncture to all my friends, family, and acquaintances. BH 


I am a white male, 74 years of age, who until about mid-May of this year enjoyed reasonably good health and an active lifestyle for someone my age.  I was afflicted with a sore throat, which failed to respond to the first course of an anti-biotic, and I had just starting on the second course of a different anti-biotic when I awoke one morning with the right side of my face paralyzed and severely drooping. During a subsequent visit with my medical primary care doctor, I was diagnosed with Bell's palsy (BP).  Along with the classic symptoms of BP, I also developed the rarer symptom of imbalance exhibited by some BP patients. My primary care prescribed an immediate course of prednisone, which has been shown to be effective in treating BP if administered quickly after the onset of BP symptoms.  He also recommended that I undergo a treatment protocol consisting of physical therapy and acupuncture. During the past three months of my treatment, which consisted of physical therapy (using E-Stim and muscle strengthening exercises) three times a week, and the skillful application of once a week acupuncture treatments by Dr. Reyna Bragg, I have now recovered about 80% of my former facial muscle control, and I am now able to walk without the use of a walker. I strongly believe that my primary care and Dr. Bragg's careful blending of both western and eastern medicinal protocols has contributed greatly to my rapid recovery.  As of this date, I am continuing to make noticeable weekly gains in my health. JC


Dr. Reyna Bragg is amazing. One morning while cleaning my kitchen counters, I must have twisted wrong and immediately felt my lower back spasm. I sat around and eventually went to exercise and then to the hot tub to try to make my back feel better but, nothing helped. The next morning upon waking, I sat down and felt something pinch in my already painful lower back and all the way down my outer leg to and including my toes. This was a Saturday morning. I'm not one to panic and run to a doctor or hospital or urgent care, I rubbed Stop Pain on my lower back and upper buttocks and tried to walk with a cane, thinking I might be able to walk it off like I have done with less severe instances in the past. No sleep on Saturday or Sunday nights and I was getting pretty cranky, I had seen an ad in the local weekly newspaper (Observer) on Acupuncture. I called first thing on Monday morning and was immediately given an appointment just a couple of hours later by a very nice man named Jim. He also arranged for my insurance to chip in on my treatments. I'm from the wilds of East Central Ohio and there was not an acupuncture clinic within a couple of counties from where we lived so, this was a totally new experience for me. Dr. Bragg took the time upon meeting me and explained many things to me about herself and her practices of Acupuncture. Then, she showed me some of the points on the human body posters with the points and circulations shown. Then, she started her magic. Relaxation and the soothing music were part of the appointment and I felt much better when she was done with me. I did go home and take it easy but, to my thrilling surprise. I went to bed and slept great that night. I went again that week and again once the following week and then we started spacing the visits out. (I admit, I have done the chiropractor thing where you go back several days in the same week and every week and they just want you to keep coming back. I never had much relief from any chiropractor work as usually what they fixed went right back out of place. ) I have never been back to where the pain was when I hurt my back with Dr. Bragg watching over me. She has added things she felt I needed and changed it up a little to help some touchy places. I went close to three weeks without a visit when I had to travel out of state just a few weeks after starting treatment from her. I've recently had surgery for a totally different problem but, when I get a twinge with my lower back, she has shown me where to apply the "magic potion" she provided and how to apply it to different areas. i.e., rub up on the outer leg, etc. and within a few hours, I have totally forgotten the pain was rearing its head. I highly recommend acupuncture and especially Dr. Bragg. As I said, I'm not big on doctors, drugs, shots, etc. But, I feel the acupuncture is allowing my body to help itself. Thank You, Dr. Bragg. VP


I am Dr. Reyna Happiest Patient. 6 years ago cancer came back in my leg, Stage 3, Moffitt removed a grapefruit-size tumor behind my knee followed by chemo and radiation. My foot to knee was swollen, purple-colored 24/7 pain, and disturbed sleep. I went on and on to Moffitt about it, they replied ‘LIVE WITH IT, NOTHING CAN BE DONE” Dr. Reyna after 6 weeks got my leg to where no pain, no swelling. Moffitt forced me into retirement, my brain was going to mosh, and I am only 67. I got where I couldn’t think. I knew if I didn’t change and keep my brain working dementia was sure to follow. Last week, I accepted my dream job “position” and I will now work 40 hours a week for a municipality. Dr. Reyna empowered my legs, brain, and my soul. One must listen to her words as well because she is very wise. KP


A testimonial on acupuncture and chronic illness. I normally do not provide testimonials for anyone, though Eastern and Western medicine combined needs to be heard.  As a patient with lifelong Rheumatoid Arthritis, I have been through many different treatments for it and all the additional autoimmune problems it has caused.  To set the record straight Rheumatoid Arthritis is not the same as Osteoarthritis which is the wear and tear of your joints. RA is an autoimmune disease that has no cure along with the other 200+ autoimmune diseases.  I was diagnosed when I was 13 years old and I am now 53 years young, during the 40 years of this disease I have tried every type of medication from the FDA to those conjured miracle treatments, some with a pretty hefty price tag to them.  This year I finally made a decision to try Eastern medicine as a complement to traditional Western medicine. I was very skeptical for years about Acupuncture, mainly because every insurance company denied the treatment. Of course, they rule the healthcare world for those of us with long-term chronic illness and pain. So for years, I stuck with traditional medications, physical therapy, light exercising, and eventually chiropractic and massage therapy. I have found this treatment plan to be limiting and still having pain from sore tendons, nerves, and muscles.  I have a recurring tennis elbow and have had two surgeries on both of my elbows to release these tendons; to my surprise, the tendons can grow back and reattach to the bone causing the tennis elbow again. The typical injection and physical therapy after 12 weeks were not working. I was not sure what else I could do besides another surgery. This is when my primary physician recommended Dr. Reyna Bragg of Living Well Acupuncture, PA. I discussed this option with my insurance company and found that now Eastern medicine is covered providing it is performed in the same office as a Western Medical doctor. So I signed up and since then I am a weekly patient of Dr. Bragg. She has introduced me to many other eastern techniques that incorporate my Tai Chi and Qigong into my acupuncture therapy. After 4 treatments to my elbow, I have no remaining pain or discomfort in my right arm. She has also worked on my right hip where I suffer from chronic bursitis; this is so minimal now it doesn’t prevent me from taking daily walks. I continue to receive acupuncture for my sleeping disability (not sleep apnea), and I have been getting a more restful night sleep as we continue to treat it. If you find yourself on pain medications as I have been for many years; just the thought of not taking so many in a day is worth the time and investment. I no longer depend on opiates for my daily pain; instead, I use them for breakthroughs now. This is a testament to pain management where acupuncture is concerned as I was taking 5 pain pills per day of Hydrocodone 10x325 and now I take 1. The enlightenment Dr. Bragg has brought me in releasing the pain from the control points with her little needles. I am no longer a skeptic and I have asked for additional assistance with the ringing in my ears and other ailments that limit my ability to live a normal life.  What do you have to lose? Try it for a few weeks, I am going to bet you will like it and it will be an enhancement to your course of the treatment regimen. I am now a firm believer in Eastern and Western Medicines together can help even those with chronic pain and illnesses find some relief. I am also very active in the Autoimmune Community and have counseled others to try this approach; I had started a few years ago with Tai Chi for Fibromyalgia patients and others with RA. Now, I am adding acupuncture to the Eastern side of this treatment.   TD.


                                                     DEDICATED SENIOR MEDICAL CENTER LLC. 

                                                          Dr. Reynarichie Bragg DACM 



                                                 1505 53rd Ave. East, Bradenton, FL 34203

                                                        "you are the good spring of life"